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I am a Software Engineer presently working in Microsoft as vendor.The main aim of this blog is to Share my knowledge in Sharepoint,AZURE and Silverlight.

Thursday, 28 August 2008

Getting new Tab instead of Development for our Custom Site Definition.

Hi ,

we have a custom site definition and one of the requirement is user should be able to see a seperate Tab for our Project rather than displaying the template under Development. for this we have 2 options.

1)if we are generating a sitedefintion using sharepoint solution Generator then open the solution and right click on project properties and select the “SharePoint Solution” tab.
Expand the Solution->Sitedefintion->Manifest.
give the Appropriate value in the Display Category as I gave “Sasi”.

2)if the solution is already deployed and you want to change then follow the steps.

Go to the folder in the SharePoint server:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\1033\XML

Open the xml webtemp file of ur definition.

You will see the following xml :
<-Templates xmlns:ows="Microsoft SharePoint">
<-Template Name="ABC_Site_Definition_11eec25f-6951-462a-a8e5-63d5ae20211e" ID="10000" >
<-Configuration ID="1" Title="ABC_Site_Definition" Description="" Hidden="False" ImageUrl="/_layouts/images/stsprev.png" DisplayCategory="ABC" />
(Remove '-' in the tags)
Change the display category to your project name. This gives the tab as per your requirement.

Hidden=”True” Solves the other requirement it hides the other sitedefinitions which you not required.

So the Output u see as below.

Cheers give a try.