About Me

I am a Software Engineer presently working in Microsoft as vendor.The main aim of this blog is to Share my knowledge in Sharepoint,AZURE and Silverlight.

Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Creating Performance Point service app.

lots of people in the discussion list are asking how to create the performance point service apps.

Here are the steps to create performance point service.


1.) Open your Central Admin page
2.) Click on Manage Service Applications
3.) Look for a Service Applications with a "Type" of "Secure Store Service Application", (if you don't have one, create a new one)
4.) Click on that, the App, (not the Proxy)
5.) If it tells you that you need to generate a key before you can use it, your key isn't setup yet
6.) In the Ribbon you'll see a Create or Generate Key button
7.) Click on that
8.) Enter a Key Passphrase
9.) Now go back up to the Manage Service Applications page
10.) Find your PerformancePoint Service App, (if you don't have one, create one)
11.) Click on the link to that App now
12.) When you get there, click on the first link "PerformancePoint Service Application Settings"
13.) Your Secure Store App's name should automatically be set in the text box
14.) Now you just need to give it the Unattended Service Account name that you want it to use

These are the actual commands, (generalized here), that I use to create the SS, Generate the Key, and create the PPS Application. You run these from within your SharePoint Management Shell.

** Create the Secure Store App and Key **
1.) New-SPServiceApplicationPool -Name -Account
2.) New-SPSecureStoreServiceApplication -ApplicationPool -AuditingEnabled -Name
3.) New-SPSecureStoreServiceApplicationProxy -DefaultProxyGroup:$True -Name -ServiceApplication (Get-SPServiceApplication | select DisplayName,ID | where-object { $_.DisplayName -eq }).ID.GUID
4.) Update-SPSecureStoreMasterKey -ServiceApplicationProxy ((Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy | select DisplayName,ID | where-object { $_.DisplayName -eq }).ID.GUID) -Passphrase
5.) Update-SPSecureStoreApplicationServerKey -ServiceApplicationProxy ((Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy | select DisplayName,ID | where-object { $_.DisplayName -eq }).ID.GUID) -Passphrase

** Create the PPS Application **
6.) New-SPServiceApplicationPool -Name -Account
7.) New-SPPerformancePointServiceApplication -Name -ApplicationPool
8.) New-SPPerformancePointServiceApplicationProxy -Name -ServiceApplication -Default
9.) Set-SPPerformancePointSecureDataValues -ServiceApplication (Get-SPServiceApplication | select DisplayName,ID | where-object { $_.DisplayName -eq }).ID.GUID -DataSourceUnattendedServiceAccount (New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential , (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force))

Opening HTML Files in Sharepoint 2010

I recently faced an issue where the customer was attempting to open HTML documents from a document library. He only had an option to download the document. He wanted the ability to open the HTML document directly within the browser.

By default, Sharepoint 2010 is blocking the ability to open HTML documents directly from a document library.

However this can be changed by adjusting the browser file handling option. The option is located here:

1. Central Admin\Application Management\Manage Web Applications.
2. Select General Settings for the specified web application
3. For Browser file handling, select permissive. The default is strict​

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Azure Design patterns.

Design patterns for azure.


Sharepoint 2010 BETA is availiable now.

good news sharepoint guyssss here is the link to download sharepoint 2010.


Download the SDK and start working :)

Thursday, 19 November 2009

DB Availability with Failover Database server.

Some times Sharepoint site will be down because of database server.

think if it is a production and u left for the day suddenly database server is down the next day you hav to come and fix the issue. :(

fortunately in sharepoint 2010 we can fix this issue with out doing anything. There is a new thing called Failover Database server.

We have to set this property. Sharepoint automatically picks the other database server automatically if the first or primary server is not available.

The other database which we are talking is a mirror of SQL database.

To set this property we have to do as below:

Central Admin-> Application management-> Manage content Databases-> DB->enter the sqlmirror DB value in "FailOver Database Server".

really a cool feature for Admin guys. :)

Content Recovery from Unattached Databases

Sharepoint 2010 is providing new feature to recover data from a sharepoint backup DB. without attaching the db to site.

Here you go for example I have a document deleted and it is not there in recycle bin as well so to recover that we have to get backup db attach to site and do some extra steps.

Now in sharepoint2010 they are providing an UI where we can attach a backupDB and can dig in to the sitecollections->sites->lists->items.

Here is the steps to do:

Central Admin->Backup and restore->specify the name in unattached content database data recovery-> DBname-> site->list->select export site or list ->specify location in harddrive.

So we can export that content or document to harddrive and can import in to the site.

this is a cool feature. :)

Restarting timer jobs using powershell in sharepoint 2010

This is the single line of powershell script which restarts the timerservice jobs in sharepoint 2010

Get -SPTimerjob | where {$_.name -match "hourly"} | start -sptimerjob.

this line says to get all the sptimerjobs where name mathces hourly and run that job.

still stsadm command works but powershell is rocking :) admin people must learn this powershell.

SSP in 2007 turnedout to Service Applications in sharepoint 2010

SSP(Shared service provider) in sharepont 2007 is turnedout to Service Applications in new sharepoint 2010.

SSP contains all the services in 2007. now each individual service is a stand alone Service application.

Ex: Search service application , People Service application, Metadata Service application...

each of these service applications has its own content DB's.

one application can have many instances of these services.

for example we can create 2 metadata services 1 for enterprise and 1 for bankingdomain

and we can link this service applications to more than one webapplication.

we can configure this service application when we creating the webapplication or we can configure this later by going..

Central Admin-> Manage Service applications -> Select the application (or)Create new -> enter the values for properties or edit the properties.

making services to run independently gives u more performance and more reusability.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Document Sets in Sharepoint2010.

Sharepoint 2010 is introducing new concept called DocumentSets.

Using this documentsets we can run workflows on set of documents,manage permissions,manage security..

Inherting power of WIKI's in sharepoint 2010.

Now we can edit the sharepoint pages online.

And also we can also use the syntax of WIKI's. which is a good news for WIKI Lovers.

example :

[[Article name#Section heading]]


more info on wiki editings


PowerPivot in sharepoint 2010 previously called as GEMINI

PowerPivot is previously called as "GEMINI".

Power Pivot is an inmemory database technology that runs on server or client.

we have
1) SQLServer powerPivot for excel
2)SQLServer powerPivot for sharepoint2010.

Using this power pivot we can manage millions of records and we can search in seconds for the data. :)

Opening office files in browser using sharepoint 2010. (Browser enabled documents)

using sharepoint 2007 we can only open the office files using rich clients. like powerpoint , word ,excel.

Using shareoint 2010 we can open the office files in browser as well as client s/w.

select Library Tools(from ribbon) -> Select Library Settings->Advanced settings

u will able to see the section opening documents in browser as below.

default option is to open in the browser. choose the option required and save.

Working Offline using sharepoint workspace.

We can work offline using sharepoint workspace.

for a real scenario if we are working in the plane and want to edit some data in sharepoint lists or documents we can move the data to the sharepoint workspace.

we can work on that and once the network is available we can sync with the sharepoint2010. :)

to do this : Goto SiteActions-> Sync to sharepoint workspace.

Easy Navigation in web administration.

People who uses sharepoint 2007 administration faced trouble in navigation.
administrators moves from page to page and the navigation is not completely done in 2007 where people unable to reach the page which they came from.

This problem got solved in new sharepoint 2010. :)

Easy Administration and customisation of sharepoint 2010 with Powershell

New sharepoint 2010 is coming nearly with 500 powershell cmdlets.

using this cmdlets we can easily do administration and do some customisations.

Visual upgrade from Sharepoint 2007 to Sharepoint 2010

Now we can have the feel of new sharepoint 2010 UI for the existing 2007 sites.
This needs admin priviliges to do.

to do this : go to SiteActions-> select Visual Upgrade option -> save the changes

This will give the new UI look for the sharepoint 2007 sites. :)

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Silverlight UI in 2010

Hi I just came to know that sharepoint 2010 is providing non silverlight UI for users who dont have silverlight installed on the machines.

for example : siteactions -> New site currently using silverlight the same will be provided with non silverlight also. u can test this by disabling silverlight in IE and checking the non silverlight UI. :)

to disable the silverlight IE 8 :

go to tools->ie options ->programs->manage add ons ->select all add ons -> select silverlight-> click on disable. :)

Friday, 23 October 2009

New Features in sharepoint 2010 discussed in conference

Ribbon look:
When choosing to edit a page, now the well-known Office ribbon bar debuts in SharePoint 2010, including Central Administrator, allowing an much improved users interface.

no need to upload image to picture library sharepoint2010 will handle that:
Pictures can be navigated to your computer while inserting onto the page, and SharePoint takes care of uploading it into the Images library.

less page refreshings compared to 2007 sharepoint :
Fluid experience without the cumbersome page refreshing.
Multiple document checkout, without the multiple page refreshes.

Document sets:
Create a set of documents as a single entity and apply workflows, metadata and content types to the set. Build a template to create multiple documents.
Organize a library with metadata and rate documents

view documents in 2 modes : 1)browser 2)using client application

Co-edit a single document at the same time. View how many people are editing a document and who is editing. (Very interested to see how changes are integrated from both and which overwrite.)
Note Board - add a note about the document, presentation.
My Site now My Profile
Activity Feed - leave a note for someone else with a question and check out a new or updating document.

Tag Cloud and recent blog posts

People Search now ran by FAST and able to provide more relevant results
View recent content - things the person has authored or edited relating to the search
Browse someone in the org chart

Choose to following colleagues and receive notice when they update or author content in SharePoint
Tag documents with metadata for searching, filtering, grouping, and sorting.
Leave Notes on a document or Document Set
Leave a note on someone's Note Board
Subscribe to RSS feeds for modifications made to documents and view the change without opening the document.
Post a picture in a blog from an address. After the blog is published, the image will update when the data is updated. (i.e. Excel chart updating with new or revised data)


Thursday, 22 October 2009

Videos on sharepoint 2010

Here is the link for videos on sp2010.


want more keep looking to this blog for more and more updates :)

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Sharepoint 2010 new features

Hi all,

Currently I am working on sharepoint 2010 dogfood builds from past 2 months as I shouldnt blog anything I kept calm these days. soon I gona blog lots of interesting things in sharepoint 2010.

Till the time watch out the below links for more info.




you can also register for the training in november.on sharepoint 2010.


hurry up.... :)

Wednesday, 14 October 2009


Hi I got a problem in spgridview i found a good link here is the link.


Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Silverlight 3.0

Hi its a bit late for my post as I am currently busy in working with Silverlight3.0 new controls and new features. Silverlight 3.0 is very cool giving more controls for a developer to make his work easy when I am using silverlight 1.0 I implemented different techniques to get the theme effect but now in silverlight is giving themes effect defaultly the same with tree controls and button controls.and it is also enhanced in media effects too.
Any way soon Ill make a post on silverlight cool stuff with my handsonexperience.:)

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Tools for Sharepoint

Hi I am bit busy these days so didn't got a chance for new post soon ill keep some good stuff. I found a good blog for Tools in sharepoint when ever you get some time look in to this tools it will help a lot.


Thursday, 19 March 2009

MOSS-InfoPath-Error on 64bit MOSS when accessing SPSite through OM in InfoPath

I had an issue with infopath2007 and sharepoint2007 when i m trying to use object model from infopath in 64 bit machine where sharepoint is installed it gave me the below error. The same code is working fine with console.

The web application at "" could not be found.verify that you have typed the URL correctly.If the URL should be serving existing content,the system administrator may beed to add a new request.

The solution to this problem is :
InfoPath is a 32 bit app and is loading a 64 bit binary (Microsoft.sharepoint.dll)
so what we have is a 32 bit process (InfoPath) running on a 64 bit OS, wow64 will
translate registry calls to the wow64 registry note, and
"HKLM\\wow6432node\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Shared Tools\\Web Server
Extensions\\12.0\\Secure\\ConfigDB" does not exist. Since the 64 bit version of
SharePoint is installed, wow64 does not get involved and the registry key
"HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Shared Tools\\Web Server
Extensions\\12.0\\Secure\\ConfigDB" is used to store the farm’s connection string

There is no 64 bit version of InfoPath. For Office2007, we support mixing 32-bit
and 64-bit front end servers in the same farm, with the caveat being that customer
must install 32-bit WSS on a 32-bit OS and 64-bit WSS on a 64-bit OS. We do not
support 32-bit WSS v3 on a 64-bit OS via WOW64. If InfoPath 2007 is calling our OM
and installed on a SharePoint box, then they’ll have to install it on an front end
server where 32-bit WSS is running on a 32-bit OS.
The solution would be to add a 32 bit server with 32 bit MOSS and
InfoPath installed to the farm.

And my sincere thanks to Travis Mathison,Sailaja kalidindi on helping this issue. :)

Friday, 6 March 2009

getting current node value in a dynamic section of infopath.

Hi ,

came back to blog some thing.
using this technique we can copy the current values and paste to the new section in a check box event.such as copy the same as above.

last week I had an issue how to get the current node value in a repeating section on firing a dropdown event.

for example if we have a text box value and a drop downs in a repeating section. as in below image.

In this example ResourceName is the dropdown and groupname is the textbox and in the change event of the dropdown we have to get groupname value.if we are doing with only one section then no need of doing all the below explaination we can use direct xpath.

But if we have same Resource names in different groups then we have to get the group name and use that group to locate the resource and fill the dependencies.

so here is the line i used to get the groupName Value

e.Site.SelectSingleNode("../../../@my:DisplayName", this.NamespaceManager).Value

here "e" is the event passed by dropdown and give the xpath value as shown above this gives the country value and we can get easily state value by using e.NewValue